Güntner GADC Series Evaporators

  • Güntner GADC Series Evaporators thumbnail

The latest generation dual discharge air cooler fulfils all requirements for modern heat exchangers. The units in the GADC family not only offer optimised designs for HFC and CO2

4 mm fin spacing for normal refrigeration and 7 mm fin spacing for low temperature applications, they also comply with the independently certified Güntner hygiene standard with all of its advantages.

Where has the condensation water drain gone? The answer is simple. It has disappeared into the false ceiling.

The condensation pipe can be installed out of sight here thanks to the option of the integrated condensation water pump.

Not only does this look better, it also offers you substantial benefits:

You can clean the units without having to first dismantle a condensation pipe and can thus start cooling again more quickly.

The new tray design also offers another advantage for inspection and cleaning. The exterior tray can now be hinged open from either side.

This means that service technicians can react flexibly to fittings in workspaces. The interior trays in this air cooler family are also hinged to further cut down on cleaning times.

Güntner Hygiene Design + HACCP Certificate: Smooth surfaces, easy to clean.