With more than 60 years of experience, Profroid are present in 56 countries around the world.
Our unique range of products in Europe covers air coolers, condensers, Commercial and industrial condensing units, power packs, as well as customised products specially adapted to your applications ranging from 500 Watts up to the Megawatt.
From our production site in Aubagne, our commitment is to deliver industrial-quality products based on a comprehensive certification, conformity to regulation (CE and PED) and performance certification (ENV327 by TUV and Cetiat) not to mention several factory performed quality tests.
We focus on providing the best lead time for our services and products.
Environmental topics are subject to great attention with an innovative product offer in the field of energy savings and use of ecological fluid such as CO2.
Profroid CO2 Quietcool Condensing Units are in stock at FSW today!